What is the FARM Science Lab?

The FARM Science Lab is a 40-foot mobile classroom, equipped with the latest teaching technologies and tooled with STEM-based lessons that are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes (NALO) to increase agricultural awareness. The FARM Science Lab reinforces grade-level standards with hands-on science opportunities while increasing students' knowledge of how agriculture impacts their daily lives. Each lesson has been individually crafted and tested by certified teachers.
The FARM Science Lab offers schools the convenience of bringing a field trip- style experience to their front door. Students will receive an out-of-classroom, hands-on experience without the hassle of transportation arrangements or field- trip permission slips.
Because of the generous contributions of our sponsors through the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, we are able to offer the FARM Science Lab to schools at half the operating cost.
Four Star, $50,000
Three Star, $20,000
Two Star, $7,500
*Sponsor list reflects contributions to the first FARM Science Lab campaign.