Be Agriculture Careers

Start your career!
From science and technology to communications and everything in between, agriculture has a career for you!
Odds are in your favor
It's estimated there are 54,400 agriculture-related job openings annually for individuals with four-year and higher college degrees. This doesn't count the high demand for skilled trade professionals.
Yet only 55 percent of these job openings are expected to be filled by graduates who earned degrees from colleges of agriculture, life sciences, natural resources and veterinary medicine.
What's it mean?
There are not enough agriculturally trained and educated individuals to meet the needs and demands of today's employers.
Help students Be Agriculture
Use this how-to guide to incorporate agricultural careers as guest speakers, career panelists, in a career fair or as a field trip option. Check out these resources as hand-out or prize options for your career fair.
Watch our Be Agriculture Virtual Career Panels!
Check out our series of Be Agriculture Career Panels. Each panel will spend 45 minutes focusing on a specific sector of agriculture, food and natural resources-based careers. This moderated panel will answer questions about daily work, education/training background and provide advice on preparation to work in the specific career focus. Students watching the webinar may use the chat feature to ask the panelists questions.
Use this guided questions document to engage students while listening to the career panel. Make sure to check out related links in the video description as well.
Be Business Minded
Are you a natural leader? Do you enjoy coordinating people, finances and activities to make sure plans run smoothly? Careers in this pathway connect the business world with agriculture by determining how to effectively use resources for profit.
Be the Caregiver
If you enjoy working with and caring for animals of all sizes, consider an animal science path. You can help increase proficiency in the ways farmers breed, feed and treat animals.
Be Scientific
Unleash your inner scientist! Professionals in this field often have a strong interest in biology, chemistry or physics. Careers in this field use scientific technologies to help farmers raise plants and animals fore effectively.
Be the Process
From the recipe to the packaging to the nutrients it provides our bodies, be a part of the food chain! Battle single use plastics, help people maintain healthy diets, or be the connection between farm and table.
Be Constructive
Be constructive by using technical, hands-on skills to repair, lead and oversee projects in agriculture. Work with farm machinery, agricultural buildings, greenhouses or wind turbines in this continuously growing career segment.
Be Grounded
Be grounded in a career that allows you to care for the land, advise farmers and landowners, and maintain pristine sports turf. Use your hands-on skills and technical insight to build a career in this segment.
Be Resourceful
Leave the Earth better than you found it while you explore a career in this track. Locate and prevent potential threats to our natural resources and environment.
Be the Change
Are you interested in helping to shape the future of the agricultural industry? Engage with citizens of all ages to help them understand the importance of the agricultural industry at the local, national and international levels.
Be the Story
Be the story in a career pathway that helps to creatively communicate the message of agriculture. Create videos, graphics, social media posts and stories to help captivate consumer and agricultural audiences, alike.
Think agriculture and get a competitive advantage
Consider one of more than 250 careers across agriculture's diverse job sectors.
Watch more videos from our "Think Agriculture" Ag Careers Video Series on YouTube.