Michigan Agriculture in the Classroom

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June 2023

Educator of the Year's 5 ways to recharge over the summer


It is finally that time of year! Saying goodbye to your students, packing up your classroom, and starting summer break! As this school year wraps up, it is important to make some 'school year resolutions' for yourself. Just like New Year's Eve, you can create a set of goals and plans for your upcoming year of teaching. Not all resolutions have to be about starting something brand new. Often just a little recharge can help you accomplish your goals. Use the summer to set those resolutions and recharge to reach them.

Recharging can apply to many different factors in the teaching world, from updating content to resetting your mind. Summer is a perfect time to build that battery power back up to 100% and beyond! "But how do I know where I need to recharge?" Picking a resolution can be tricky and varies from teacher to teacher. Reflecting on your year is a great place to start when building your resolutions. Start the 3 R's, Reflect – Resolute – Recharge, this summer to prepare for fall!

Tony Wood, Michigan Farm Bureau's 2023 Educator of the Year, teaches agriculture classes at Clare-Gladwin RESD Career Technical Education. His diligent work and passion for teaching youth about agriculture has been recognized through this award. As an ag-educator summers can look a little different. While he is actively educating over the summer, he also carves out time to recharge before the next school year begins. Wood manages to find a balance between self and school recharging each summer.

Check out a handful of things Tony Wood and other teachers do to recharge. Note these award-winning practices and add these steps to your summer routine to achieve your school year resolutions!

5 Ways to Recharge over the Summer
Stay connected

As an agriscience teacher, Wood works on livestock projects over the summer with his FFA members. He also teaches CTE courses during an educational camp.
Being involved during break allows him to stay on top of his teaching game while continuing to strengthen parent-student rapport.


Get out and socialize! Make it a point to talk with people from your past, present, and those whom you have yet to meet.
Maintaining relationships is not only important to recharge your social battery, but it also builds your network of experts. Conversations are perfect occasions for informal learning that can be brought back to the classroom.

Work on odd jobs

Summer break is a key time for getting a lot of random projects out of the way. You will not only be able to get a lot of work accomplished, but the odds & ends jobs can be of great benefit.
Random jobs often encompass a new set of skills with each task. Working odd jobs can build on your knowledge of subjects you are not extremely well-versed in. Not only will you have brightened up your kitchen with a new light fixture, but you will also familiarize yourself with electrical work.


Venture out! See or try something new. This tactic is limitless and is highly beneficial for personal and educational recharging.
Try visiting farms, touring companies, exploring new areas, seeing new sights. There is so much out there, and those explorations can be brought back into the classroom.

Take a moment for yourself

Spend time with people you love doing the things you love. While it is important to prepare for the upcoming school year, personal recharging is a must do. It allows you to relax and refresh.
You deserve a break, so take advantage! Find that balance, take some 'you-time' and then you can put efforts into recharging other areas.